Organization identity canvas

Organization Identity Canvas

The MVMV Canvas is a tool to define the key strategic elements of the initiative and is very powerful to help us to see the high-level picture of it.

The elements (blocks) included in the MVMV Canvas are Purpose, Moonshot, Vision, Mission, and Values.

In the context of Purpose Launchpad, the Purpose and the Moonshot are shared elements in a Purpose-driven ecosystem, so we may have different MVMV Canvases for each of its elements but all of them will share the Purpose and Moonshot blocks’ content.

Tool developed by Francisco Palao (Purpose Alliance)

Purpose Launchpad

Integration with Purpose Launchpad

It is used in the first two phases of the Purpose Launchpad (exploration, evaluation) although it is in the exploration phase where it has the most prominence as it helps us define one of the most important elements of our initiative: our identity.

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